Saturday, 24 November 2012

So, Cam was skating all by himself.

Cause i locked my keys in the truck, again

And Max made friends.

Friday, 23 November 2012


Coleman slide, no hands down, still a tad sloppy at making the whole pendy, slush helps.

Photo: Cody Welner

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Let us mash your bangers!

Opens Dec. 1st. Closes New years eve.

Send in your bangers, clips no more than 15 seconds, you can wetransfer me the footy or post it on youtube and send us the link in the comments section of this.

Getting pretty sick of watching so many talented local skaters post long ass video's with nothing cool going on, so lets see what you really got! no 180's, slow ass checks, little early grabs, clean, nice roads. We want to see effort damnit! Prize's will be worked out later,(as in, i gotta bunch of swag under my bed, but i wanna see some fucking effort first) I'll post shitty clips as they come in for humour purposes. If your doing some trick thats allready been done on a shortboard for the last 20 years, it better be bigger and faster, please send in your dancer footy, If you got mad shortboard skills, I wanna see that, so use your more talented friends if you have too. and I swear to god, if i see one more interview video with someone who hasn't even had they're first gnarly bail, I'll find you.

Dylan, in the wet. cause he don't hide from the shit.

Dylan's a greasy bastard. He skates for One Six boardshop on Quadra in Victoria and goes super hard at everything he does, hopefully we'll see some dry footage from him at some point, cause he freakin destroys.

Monday, 19 November 2012

The Steeze is unbearable.

Local freeride god and hacky-sack enthusiast, Dylan Campbell, always shreds to the best of his ability. Which is quite high. Meaning he's really good. Like, really good.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

More sliders from the "FUCK IT SLIDE COMP"

Browntown and Jeremy came down from Nanaimo to shred with us.
Even a Saltspringer showed up.

Big Red himself.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

A couple shots from "FUCK IT SLIDE COMP" slide comp

Regular Underground's Ben Sloat gets huge and wins longest standup with 60 something feet. Congrats duder!
Jimmy Chhor was shredding hard and going into switch faster than I've ever seen someone.
Casual banana board shenanigans.
 Thanks to Kurt Gallant and OneSix Boardshop for putting on a great slide-jam/comp thing. There were lots of people. Stoke was plentiful and fun was had by all.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Brendan gets bored with normal terrain

Sometimes you've got to spice up your ordinary free-ride spot.
Groms look in awe.

*Brendan's note: Victoria is filled with short, steep hills, many with all sorts of interesting features due to the age of the city, rocks, driveways, flaired sidewalks are all sorts of things that can be found. If you find yourself tired of the same old backside/frontside checks and spins, try utilizing some of the unique features at a spot, you'll find that sometimes, throwing a 6 foot power slide can be alot harder than throwing a fifty footer.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Russell Hustles

Rayne grom Ian Russell throws a toe in the corner at Britannia.
I hope this doesn't boost his ego too much.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Rayne longboards, vote for them in some sort of small buisness award!

Rayne kicks ass, Les is always helping us out with decals for the shit van, hardgood prizes for events, and general PJ wearing awesomeness. give em a hand.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

So who knew that Ben Sloat could actually skate?

Ben gets way up there..
..and then throws a standie in the transition.
Ben had a really sick line at Regular Underground's indoor skatepark last night. He kinda pulled it out of nowhere, too. Everyone was shocked.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Noah was being a terror on the streets this summer.

Noah Hellreich the Onterrible crashed on Brendan's couch for a month and a bit for Whistler, Giant's Head and Saltspring. He went hard, for a guy with a 10lb ankle.

On a side-note: I want everyone to know that the last post I did was 11:59PM. CONTENT DAILY!! Even if it's filled with ridiculous over-tired ramblings.
That's it though, I swear.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Rallying on the Rash

I was all over the place this summer. The footage was bad. Also I spy a Vic Shit Van shirt?

Photo by Chase Campbell

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Look before you leap!

And always make sure to stay in your lane!

*brendan note.
I meant to go into this subject a bit more, there are corners out there that you can cut the lane on, and corners you can't. but its important not to get too used to jumping the line because eventually you'll have to stay in your lane and you need to be able to know what you need to do. this corner for example, is very fun and easy to grip and you can see through it so apexing it's a breeze, however if you stay in your lane (and its wet dry) it becomes a very different corner. so keep your routine's varied and don't get sloppy out there just because the leaves have fallen off the tree's.