Opens Dec. 1st. Closes New years eve.
Send in your bangers, clips no more than 15 seconds, you can wetransfer me the footy or post it on youtube and send us the link in the comments section of this.
Getting pretty sick of watching so many talented local skaters post long ass video's with nothing cool going on, so lets see what you really got! no 180's, slow ass checks, little early grabs, clean, nice roads. We want to see effort damnit! Prize's will be worked out later,(as in, i gotta bunch of swag under my bed, but i wanna see some fucking effort first) I'll post shitty clips as they come in for humour purposes. If your doing some trick thats allready been done on a shortboard for the last 20 years, it better be bigger and faster, please send in your dancer footy, If you got mad shortboard skills, I wanna see that, so use your more talented friends if you have too. and I swear to god, if i see one more interview video with someone who hasn't even had they're first gnarly bail, I'll find you.
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