Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Weekend full of outlaws.

The flesh Grater outlaw had a pretty low turnout, 7 racers in all. So i decided to drop the entry fee and just use prizes from Rayne and regular underground as motivation. The course starts with a steep dropping left hander, then meanders down a very steep, very narrow and very slippery road. it only took a few rounds of racing before I found myself at the start line with Adam walton racing for first. The early round against Ben Sloat had been particularly gnarly, as we found ourselves tucking down the straight stretches, dodging skateboards and trees that people had thrown on to the track and i didn't quiet avoid hitting the hanging chain we had been leaping over for the finish line. Adam was a more cautious racer then Ben, and with that I won my own outlaw.

The Splinter outlaw had a much better turnout. The shitvan decided to breakdown at the top of the hill, so we only had my truck to shuttle, thankfully Curtis from Regular Underground showed with his pickup and saved the day.  We decided to race twice. first would be 9 teams, (one under 16, paired with one over 16 randomly) and the second would be fixed pairs. Racing with a grommet as your partner led to some interesting tactics, as faster riders tried to block each other to allow they're slower teammates to keep ahead, Adrian English and his partner Alex crashed just before the finish line, and at the end, Griffin Hopkins and Lukas won. Fixed partners was an entirely different monster, tight pack riding at 100kph made for some memorable runs, Adrian and Sloat proved to be unstopable, and in the 4 team (8 man) final the won out, merging together out of the chaos early and steamrolled away from the other six riders who were busy trying to avoid each other. The last event was a chinese downhill, except that no one was allowed to pass me, so the winner had to be right behind me. As i was the last one to arrive at the top of the hill, i put my gear on, and yelled go. Lazy skaters weren't ready, but many were on the ball. After I had tossed my slide pucks behind me in the first set of sweepers, Dion and Adrian battled hard to stay right behind me, and it looked like a win for Adrian, unfortunatly, Griffin is well schooled in the ways of the sandbagger and swept in at the last minute to steal his spot. Being as the prize was a Rayne Rival, and Griffin skates for Sector Nine, he gave the win to Adrian anyways. good sport. Next was podium pictures, helping Brian Sloat finish fixing the van and spending 40 min stuck on the malahat because people suck at driving. fun times.

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