We had the van loaded and rolled out from Sloats house friday afternoon, with the plan of driving into the night. The shitvan's 40 litre tank insured we had to stop at every single gas station on route, which makes for a really laid back road trip. The drive itself was relativly uneventful, we caught up to the cribb bomb on the way into kelowna, namely because one of strikers crew had lagged behind bombing the highway, and a lack of highbeams on the shitvan insured i didn't see the skater till it was almost too late. the irony of running down a suicide bomber with the shitvan never would have worn off. but alas, we slowed down in time. We got to the logging road campsite about 2am and quickly set up our tents in the rain. i didn't stay up long, but some of the crew did. apparently someone fell asleep in the drivers seat and rested his head on the horn to the dismay of everyone trying to sleep. Day one of skylands was slow to start due to the rain, and orginazational problems. We got about six runs in, one of which led to a brutel highside for myself. which thankfully i managed to walk off. After the course was closed down for the night, we headed to skate Knox mountain, which was a really long access road which was tons of fun, some great hairpins. It started raining just after we picked up a load of kids from Seattle, the rain doesn't generally phase Vancover island skaters, i figured seattle skaters would be the same way. however, as i drove the van around the second hairpin, i found them all standing there, looking at the gore that was Liam's knee. i guess the road was just to slippery for everyone, so they packed in the van, and Levi and myself rode down one final time. Race day turned out to be dry, windy as hell, but dry. Liam was unable to race, but Kurt moved on once in his junior division, as did myself in Open. Sloat blew it, and Levi crashed out and managed to smash himself in the chin with his own board. after watching Kevin Reimer's victory, we loaded up the van and started out again. with all night to get to vancover and no ferry till 7am, we stopped where ever we pleased. skated some park in Merrett, shredded a gnarly steep concrete slab under one of the highway overpasses, lurked around in hope, before finally decideing on staying in a hotel in delta, turns out, no dogs allowed, so max and I stayed in the van, while the rest of the shit van crew blew it and slept in, so we missed the first ferry. managed to get back to victoria around noon on monday. totalled 9 hours of sleep all weekend on my part, and i think i might have had something close to a dozen monsters in the three days i was gone. with a few weeks till whistler, and after 5 straight weekends of racing. im glad to finally have a chance to rest. pictures to come in the following days, and the video should be dope, so stay tuned.